Thyroid Surgery

For those of you who have stumbled across this blog in search of information about thyroid surgery, hopefully this page will make things a little easier to navigate!

In December 2010, I had surgery to remove my overactive thryoid.

Thyroid conditions have often been linked to coeliac disease, and having suffered from hyperthyroidism for as long as I can remember, it has been a big part of my life!

Before having my thyroid removed I was on medication for years, it then went into remission before becoming overactive again.

This time, I decided I wanted it out!

Before my operation I was in a blind panic of googling and after not being able to find much information on people’s personal experiences of the surgery, I was a nervous wreck.

I have created this page in the hope that if you are going through thyroid surgery or have just had an operation, it might put your mind at ease a bit!

Here’s all my thyroid related posts so far (will keep updating as and when I post – newest at the top!)….

Four years post surgery

A long overdue thryoid update (nearly 2 years post-op)

Thyroid Surgery – One Year On

9 months post-op

Thyroidectomy Scar 5 months on

Three months post-thyroid!

Another month gone by with no thyroid!

My Thyroidectomy Experience (post op)

Coeliac Disease linked with thyroid cancer (news)

Links between Coeliac Disease and Thyroid Conditions (my experience)

For those of you who want to see the gory details (If you’re having/had the surgery I know you’re dying to see what the scar looks like!) here’s some images (which I hope to update regularly!) on the progression of my scar.

For those of you who are a little squeamish, look away now!

My thyroidectomy experience:
15th Dec 2010, The day after my op (complete with surgical drain and staples!)
My thyroidectomy experience:
20th Dec 2010 – Back home, staples are all gone and there’s a bit of bruising!
My thyroidectomy experience:
6th Jan 2011 – been using the bio-oil and it’s looking heaps better already!
My thyroidectomy experience:
8th Feb 2011 – nearly 2 months after surgery and people already don’t notice my scar until I tell them, though to me it’s still so obvious!
My thyroidectomy experience:
12th March 2011 – Three months (ish) after my op and I’m really noticing how differently shaped my neck is!?
My thyroidectomy experience:
21st May 2011 – five months on and you can barely see the ends of my scar – it’s healing amazingly well!
My thyroidectomy experience:
31st August 2011 – 9 months on from my op and my scar is so much better!
My thyroidectomy experience:
17th Dec 2011 – Just over a year after my surgery my scar has improved considerably